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Academic classes

The Department of Foreign Languages (DFL) provides a thorough and professional foreign language offer to both the students of Lublin University of Technology as well as the participants of the international exchange programme Erasmus+ at the language proficiency levels described by the Common European Framework of Reference. We aim to achieve this by offering various forms of teaching that confirm to the modern education standards and the recommendations of the European Council, in order to meet the needs of the University and the labour market. We want to create conditions for teaching and learning foreign languages for academic and professional purposes which promote different forms of multilingualism and multiculturalism and all ensure future employment and mobility of University graduates.

We offer English and German courses on all levels of proficiency from A1 to C2. We also teach Polish language and culture to the foreigners who have decided to commence daytime studies at various faculties, or participate in internship programmes.

Staff of DFL is following the latest achievements in methodology to face the needs of both our students and the requirements of the labour market.

Examination center

Since 2006, as the Accredited Examination Center of ETS (Educational Testing Service, Princeton, USA), we have been conducting the following certification examinations: English: TOEFL®, TOEFL® Junior, TOEIC® Listening & Reading, TOEIC® Speaking & Writing, TOEIC Bridge® and French: TFI.

In 2013 DFL became the first Accredited Examination Center of MONDIALE Testing in Poland obtaining rights to run MONDIALE Technical English examinations: MONDIALE Technical English and MONDIALE Fachsprachentest Deutsch.

In 2021 DFL became the Accredited Examination Center of LanguageCert and started to offer ONLINE examinations LanguageCert LTE.

Preparatory courses for these examinations are also offered by the DFL.

In the past we offered LCCI English for Business as well as telc examinations.

Zdjęcie przedstawia siedzibę SJO
Location of our office at Nadbystrzycka Street 38 B
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Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki LubelskiejPOWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17